Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The Dignity for All Students Act, known as DASA, is an anti-bullying law that requires New York schools provide an educational environment that is safe, supportive, and free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying. DASA applies to all New York public school districts, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and charter schools, and provides schools with an official framework for responding to allegations of bullying, harassment, intimidation, taunting, or discrimination. The Act identifies requirements for reporting and investigation, requires staff training on prevention and intervention, and identifies communications that are required to notify parents and students about DASA-related topics.

A DASA-level incident can be either a single event or a series of related events. Common complaints under DASA include allegations of discrimination, bullying, or harassment based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religion or religious practice, weight, sexual orientation, gender, or sex. It may involve incidents between students or staff and students.

Students and their parents also have the right to make an oral or written report if they have experienced DASA-implicated behavior from someone at school. School employees who witness harassment, bullying or discrimination, or receive an oral or written report of those types of conduct, are required to promptly notify the principal, superintendent, DASA coordinator or their designees, who are charged with investigating the allegations.

When a school receives a report of an alleged DASA incident, it must act quickly to conduct the investigation. We have extensive experience investigating DASA incidents and other claims of harassment and discrimination. We regularly serve as independent investigators and neutral fact-finders so the DASA complaint can be addressed appropriately and in compliance with the law.